This is the Garden for Spring 2011. For last years' Garden page click here

Late December 2010, snow starting to cover yard

Beginning of a lot of snow!

First snow in 2011, about a foot

Second snow, about three feet

Third snow, really getting sick of this, dogs are fighting to find bathroom space! Shed roof ... snow piling up ...

Mid-march, starting to melt ...

So it's now late March 2011, there is some carnage from the four or five feet of snow we had this winter, definitely the most snow I can ever remember and they say it's a new record! As you can see below, the shed roof couldn't handle the snow load and collapsed, one of my favorite pine trees is starting to fall over, water from the huge snow melt has made the soil beneath it unstable.

The yard is starting to become visible again

You can see the root ball lifting up

Tree leaning heavily, I'm going to have to chop it down ... shed roof collapsed

Sammy wondering what this tree is doing horizontal?

Chunking it up

Time to start cleaning up from the winter

The chives start on their own, first warm weather, even before the frost season is over

Remains of old garden

Shed roof snow damage

Building another raised bed frame for my zuchinni

Lisa hard at work, installing wooden frame

Official spot of new frame, have to train raspberries to grow on fence around the new garden bed

It's now April 10 in the pictures above, not quite time to have plants outside, but I am starting my seedlings inside to plant in another month. Temperatures are enough for frost at night, but days are in the upper forties, lower fifties with the occasional mid sixty days. More to come when plants are in ...

Below are pictures starting in mid May and going until late June.

The kid cleaning the first lawn cut

Tilling the garden

Mixing in some compost

My new raised bed gets some soil

All ready for some squash

Time to clean up

Sammy supervising

Basil growing nicely

Raspberries growing out, fence repaired

My plants on June 25, 2011. I was too busy and forgot to take pictures when they were sprouting

The main garden has three different types of tomatoes and cucumbers and beans, I will tie them up soon

The small bed has zuchinni and summer squash, plants should grow a lot in the next month. (I should weed)

It is now June 27,2011, I have Jet Star, Golden Girl (yellow), and Big Boy tomatoes in the main garden along with cucumbers and pole beans. The tomatoes are about a foot tall, just starting to droop, in need of support. I am going to string some wire in between them and tie them to that. I have finished college and am now working as an Engineer so I have a bit of extra time. I have my squash in the other garden and have some random peppers in pots. I also have my spices, Basil, Chives and some Parsley in planters. I will post more when I have them a little more organized.

Alright it is August 7th and I am a little more organized, the pictures below are how we're doing, now. The squash grew real quick and bushed up good, not producing a real lot yet, plenty of flowers, maybe not enough bees to pollenize them well. I've gotten about four yellow squashes and about four zuchinnis. The weather has been hot and dry. The cucumbers started to grow well but then died out quickly, not sure if was the weather or what. The beans are doing well and the tomatoes are starting to ripen, I trellised the tomatoes and they are about six feet tall. The peppers are getting big and the basil is good. The raspberries are also doing well. I might try to plant a fall crop to take the place of the ailing cucumbers.

You can see the trellised tomatoes getting tall

Squash and raspberries overgrown

Really filling out the new boxes

Tomatoes getting tall, bare spot in the back of garden from dying cucumbers, pole beans on side

The fenceline is filling in nice

Basil and banana peppers